La création de jeux comme une activité participative de modélisation des connaissances

Article de colloque


État de publication: Publiée (2015 Août )

Titre des actes: Intergenerational learning, life narratives and games : Proceedings of the Silver Gaming Intergenerational Summer School

Éditeur: Livres en ligne (LEL) du CRIRES

Lieu: Québec, Canada

Intervalle de pages: 22-24

ISBN: 978-2-921559-25-6


Résumé: The Silver Gaming Intergerational Summer School (#SGISS15) aims at exploring game design as a sociocultural expression and as a knowledge modelling activity. Game creation is an activity which engages the end-user into defining a game universe and its rules, engaging her/him in a decision-making process which invites her/him to reflect on the universe, characters, rules and behaviours that are generated through the game creation process. Game creation is a knowledge modeling expression that allows creating different game universe, different characters and different games and generating new voices for bottom-up expression. From children to older adults, digital game design is a powerful knowledge activity that can help reflecting on the (game) reality, the interactions and the objectives within the (game) reality we define. The result of the game design is not the main objective; it is the process of the game creation itself, which engages the end-user in a highly creative activity that seems to be the most pertinent to us.

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