Issues and challenges related to digital equity

Chapitre de livre


État de publication: Publiée (2008 )

Titre du livre: International handbook of information technology in elementary and secondary education

Éditeur: Springer Publishing


Intervalle de pages: 765-778

ISBN: 978-0-387-73314-2

Résumé: Although there has been significant growth worldwide in access to computers and the Internet, the digital divide continues to be a major form of social and economic exclusion for many peoples across the globe. This section focuses on research related to digital-related issues and challenges encountered in the field of primary and secondary education. Five issues and related challenges and possible strategies are identified: 1) access to hardware, software and connectivity to the Internet; 2) access to meaningful, high quality, culturally relevant content in local languages; 3) access to educators who know how to use digital tools and resources; 4) access to high quality research on the application of digital technologies to enhance learning; 5) access to content creation.

Théorie de l'activité: