Stories of learning, identity, navigations and boundary crossings in STEM in non-dominant communities: New imaginaries for research and action

Article de revue


État de publication: Publiée (2016 )

Nom de la revue: Cultural Studies of Science Education

Intervalle de pages: 61-75

Résumé: Marta Civil’s paper “STEM learning research through a funds of knowledge lens” can be read as a story about her trajectory as a researcher of everyday and school mathematics over time, grounded in sociocultural historical theory. Building on her work, I explore three issues. First, I address the grounding of STEM research in studies of learning and show what this may imply in the context of multilingualism and transculturism. Second, I explore how funds of knowledge can put into question what counts as science. Third, I discuss some of the methodological challenges the article raises. I conclude with some comments to think with for the future of the STEM field and equitable science.

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