Video making projects in STEM afterschool clubs : A dialogue among identities, ways of knowing and doing in and with science

Chapitre de livre


État de publication: Publiée (2016 )

Titre du livre: Intersections of Formal and Informal Science

Éditeur: Routledge

Lieu: New York, États-Unis


Intervalle de pages: 69-81

ISBN: 9781315668413

Résumé: Many youth today are engaged in participatory cultures and affiliated with  online communities, engaged in the production of creative forms of media that are shared or pursued collaboratively and posted through blogs and podcasts. Creative engagement with media is essentially about youth voice. Through the creative remixing and blending of different cultural artifacts that are picked up, transformed, and shared in new form, youth express their own understandings of their world and themselves or voice concerns for actions that are meaningful to them and their communities. The positioning of youth as creative knowledge producers and authors of their world grounded in youth voice has a long history in progressive visions of education and is also captured well by Vygotsky’s (2004) notion of a creative act, which he distinguished from the reproductive act.

Théorie de l'activité: