Interagency Collaboration in the Transition from School to Adulthood of Students with Disabilities: a Narrative Review of the literature

Article de revue


État de publication: publié

Nom de la revue: International Journal of Disability

Intervalle de pages: 8


Résumé: Students with disabilities face many difficulties in their transition to adulthood and are therefore supported by various individuals or organisations. Hence, a collaboration between family, school, health, and social services as well as other services is needed throughout this process. This narrative review aims to highlight important components of an exemplary transition coordination practice. The framework selected for this study is Kohler et al.’s Taxonomy for transition programming 2.0 (KTTP), the most prevalent and well-described proposal we could find to elaborate and evaluate transition for students with disability from school to adult life. It includes a practice category named inter-agency collaboration. We analysed the published studies included in this review and categorised relevant information within the items of the inter-agency collaboration category of the taxonomy. Overall, results show that collaboration through the transition process is deemed necessary but currently not fully implemented. To this end, collaboration training and the presence of a school transition team seem to be important contributing factors to improve inter-agency collaboration. Results are discussed in light of future research aiming to implement best practices with regards to school to adulthood transition of students with disabilities.