Error detection tasks and peer feedback for engaging physics students

Article de colloque


État de publication: Publiée (2019 )

Titre des actes: Fifteenth Conference on Education and Training in Optics and Photonics: ETOP 2019

Éditeur: SPIE

Intervalle de pages: 10


Résumé: We show how Error-Detection Tasks (EDT) are an effective way for students to practice giving peer feedback. In EDT, students are presented with a solved physics problem, prepared by a fictional in-class peer, containing one or more errors - algebraic, procedural, or conceptual. Students must identify and explain how to correct the error(s), as though they were explaining it to the “peer” who wrote the solution. EDTs have been developed for a web-based learning platform ( that provides students with asynchronous peer instruction such that students can provide feedback and evaluate feedback from other students. Results show that students trained with EDT significantly outperform a control group in correctly identifying errors and providing more meaningful feedback to their fictional in-class peer.

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