Activism in Science and Environmental Education: Renewing Conceptions About Science Among Students When Considering Socioscientific Issues

Chapitre de livre


État de publication: Publiée (2014 Avril )

Titre du livre: Activist Science and Technology Education

Éditeur: Springer

Volume: 9

Intervalle de pages: 419-433

ISBN: 978-94-007-4359-5


Résumé: This chapter’s aim is to highlight the importance of critical pedagogy for activism in science and environmental education, notably an «education for awareness» regarding the dominant ideologies and the instrumental rationality related to climate change. We tried to apply some of these principles at high school level, with French speaking students in Quebec, to question and enhance their conceptions of the nature of science, by inviting them to document issues on climate change, including uncertainties, controversies and research practices. We also present some results about their civic engagement on climate change.

Théorie de l'activité: